Friday, May 13, 2016

Over that past few years, smart technology has become an integral part of our life. It is present almost everywhere you turn. Smartphones have been on the market long enough so that it’s safe to assume that probably everyone knows, at least more or less, what a smartphone is and how it works. However, even though smartphones hold very few secrets for an average user there are still many myths users believe that are true.

Here are the most common facts about smartphones that are completely false..

1. The more cores the better
Smartphone makers know very well that inexperienced smartphones users look at the numbers in phone’s specification when they buy a new device. That’s why they highlight certain specs, for instance the number of cores in a processor, since most users believe that the more cores the better performance will be. While the number of cores indeed influences performance to a certain extent, it is not the only factor that should be take into account. Other details that are also very important include processor architecture, GPU, multi threading support for app and more.

2. The more pixels in a camera the better
For many users camera is one of the most important components in a smartphone. It’s a common belief that the more megapixel the camera has, the better the photos will be. It’s not actually true. This parameter will matter only if you plan to print your photos. In every other situation, that is storing photos on memory card, or sharing them on social media, the number of megapixels won’t make any difference.

3. Smartphones get viruses
Technically speaking, smartphone don’t get viruses like computers do, but they can get infected by malware which can be attached to apps you install on your phone. In theory, apps downloaded from official stores such as Google Play store or the App Store should be safe, but once in a while you may come across an app infected with malware, so it’s advisable to install antivirus apps on smartphones.

4. Always protect the screen with special screen protectors
Displays in today’s smartphones are much more durable than they used to be. Many are covered with anti-scratch layers which are supposed to protect the display from damage, so using protective stickers doesn’t make much sense. Such stickers are usually make of plastic which can pick up static, hence the screen may constantly gather dust. Moreover, tiny particles may get trapped under the sheet of plastic and decrease the comfort of viewing..

5. Closing apps will speed up the phone
When you complain that your phone is slow, some folks may advise you to always close apps running in the background. The truth is, it won’t much help, since recently used apps are actually not running in the background but simply stored in RAM.

6. Task killer apps will speed up the phone
There are dozes of apps that are believed to speed up the phone. They do that by allegedly removing apps from RAM, but that’s not how they work. If fact, what they do is only “freeze” apps in the background and it doesn’t influence smartphone speed in the least.

7. Charge the battery to 100% before the first use
It’s often advised to charge the battery fully before you use smartphone for the first time. The process is called “priming” and while it was necessary in older types of batteries such as Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) and Nickel Metal Hydrate (NiMH), new generation of batteries – Lithium-ions, don’t need “priming” so you can use your new smartphone the moment you take it out of the box.

8. Charge the battery only when it’s fully drained
It’s a myth that can actually be harmful to your smartphone, since draining the battery completely on a regular basis can significantly reduce its life-span. In fact, it’s recommended to charge the battery before it hits 15%.

9. Charging overnight damages the battery
Some pseudo-experts may warn you against leaving your smartphone plugged to a charger overnight in order to avoid overcharging. There’s no such thing, though

A smartphone can’t get overcharged because as soon as it’s fully charged, it automatically disconnects the charger. So, if you leave your smartphone charging overnight, don’t worry, nothing bad will happen.

10. Using off-brand charger will damage the battery
This claim is not completely unfounded. Cheap chargers with unknown parameters may in fact damage the battery or at least reduce its life over time. However, it doesn’t mean that you can only use the charger that comes with your phone. If you lose your charger but have another one with matching parameters, you can use it without any fear.

11. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi reduce battery life
They will but only when they are in use. In other words, if you switch on Bluetooth and Wi-Fi but you are not downloading or uploading any content, it won’t have any influence on battery life.


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