Wednesday, April 1, 2015

*The journey started some 12 years ago when an ambitious retired old general decided to contest for the presidential seat...  And the outcome was... Unsuccessful  the same. Pattern continued in 2007  and the year 2011.

*But something remarkable did happen  2011.. He polled 12 million votes for himself without any party structure with a party he created just  about 6 months before the election..

*There now comes the talk of a merger between the ACN and the CPC the party he formed.. Everyone thought it was impossible and the zonal Alliance wouldn't be successful.. But here we are because the story has truly changed..

The Alliance was formed... The ALL PROGRESSIVE CONGRESS {APC}  FORMED...
A successful Congress  any a remarkable free and fair presidential primary was done to the bewilderment of the world... It was successful and GMB declared the party presidential candidate with him gaining acceptance even from his fellow contestant with with promise from them to work with him to actualize the party's ambition..

*There now comes the drama  and all allegations targeted against him from the ruling party  in various shades...
   i. Allegations of not having a genuine certificate to occupy the seat of the presidency.
  ii. Allegations of not being medically fit enough to rule.
  iii. Religious allegations of him trying to turn the country into an Islamic State through forceful conversion..

And the allegations continue...

Yet with calmness he respond to it all at the right time  with little or no sign of fear..

Wonderful nationwide campaign showing his wide acceptance in the northern part of the country and the new huge followers hip in the south west  base and the North central..

Even a 6 weeks elongation and change of date couldn't deter the man on a mission..

* The D- day came and left with people from all works of life coming out even in the reign to perform their civic duty  choosing a president with with their valuable votes.

*Cutting a long story short.. General Muhammad Buhari  GMB as he is widely known made almost a clean sweep of the Votes from the Northern part of the county { NE, NW and part of NC}  also swept away the South West winning 5 out of the 6 States in that region.

Even though he failed to have significant impact on the South East and South South bloc. {because the incumbent belongs to that region and also the predominant faith of the  was Christianity while GMB is a well known Muslim}

He had already had enough done to merit gaining significant portion of the vote casted as  the final outcome highlighted below..

Acredited voters - 31,756,490
AA - 22, 125
ACPN - 40,311
AP - 30,673
ADC - 29,666
APA - 53,537
APC -15,424,921
CPP -, 36,300
HOPE - 7,435
KOWA - 13,076
NCP - 24, 455
PDP - 12,853,162
PPN - 24,475
UDP - 9,208
UPP - 18,220
Total valid votes - 28,587,564
Rejected votes - 844, 519
Total - 29,432,083

And the die was cast having fulfilled the requirement of getting 25% in 2/3 of the 36 States in the country..  He has now been hereby elected as the president of the federal Republic of Nigeria and resumes office on democracy day May 29, 2015.

##Parting shot from me.... As quoted below by the Yoruba sage chief OBAFEMI AWOLOWO.

This is exactly just what happened in the past election where the masses came out without religious or tribal attachment that has been hindering the nation all to achieve a common purpose of having someone they trust trusted  and believe in turning the state of the nation around for their own good.. We all hope the president elect  have a glorious years in office and meet the expectations of millions of the people. 



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